NC Meets DC 2024

This May, members Greyson S. Morgan, MAI, Rich Earley, Erica Butler, MAI and Keith Bolte, MAI, AI-GRS attended AI’s 2024 Leadership Development and Advisory Council conference in Washington, DC. On the last day, Erica Butler, MAI was presented with the coveted William T. Anglyn award which is given to the first-year participant who exhibited exemplary leadership, integrity and outstanding contributions to the conference.

LDAC is an annual conference that brings together a group of dedicated appraisers who come together to formulate solutions to problems and challenges faced by the appraisal profession. As part of the conference, NC members met with lawmakers to discuss current and upcoming legislation topics that impact the North Carolina appraisal industry. 

LDAC strives to foster creative thought from talented individuals involved in the real estate appraisal profession while developing future leaders of the Appraisal Institute. LDAC also establishes an "appraiser-presence" in Congress and demonstrates that the Appraisal Institute is made up of professionals who recognize the importance of being actively involved in the political process. 

LDAC has served as a source of leadership and as an inspiration for new programming ideas for the Appraisal Institute since 1969.Through a series of roundtable discussions, LDAC provides a forum where ideas and opinions on targeted topics of concern to the appraisal profession are exchanged. 

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