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Advance Your Career in Green Real Estate

Advance Your Career in Green Real Estate! We're thrilled to offer a unique learning opportunity for appraisers! Thanks to a special partnership between the South Carolina Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and the South Carolina Energy Office, you can join our Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Series.

Series Dates:

Sign up today to secure your spot and move towards becoming a certified sustainable valuation professional.

Appraisal Institute Course Catalog

Another Successful Real Estate Valuation Conference

85+ attendees gathered virtually on September 7 to learn from Mark Vitner, Wells Fargo; Vanessa Jenkins & Chuck Smith, Preston Development; Chuck McShane, CoStar; Gerald Quattlebaum, Flagship Healthcare Properties; Edward Martinez, Corelogic; Griff Jenkins, Tiverton Advisors; Adam Johnston, NewRez; and Justin Smith & Rob Speir, Colliers International. Conference presentation and discussions involved the trends, challenges, and successes in the agricultural, commercial, retail, residential, office, industrial, healthcare, and financial sectors of the industry. Thank you to our event sponsors for your support and thank you the REVC planning committee, in particular, thank you to longtime REVC Chair, Rocky McElhannon, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS for your leadership and conference guidance. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

Discussion with Robin Boylan & More Upcoming Events

September Events Coming Up!

Next Week!
Commercial Real Estate Discussion with Robin Boylan
September 15 | 6:00pm | Asheville, NC  

Next week, Robin Boylan, CCIM, SIOR, Commercial Broker Associate at NAI Beverly-Hanks will provide commercial real estate insights and updates on the local Western Carolina commercial market including the retail, office, and industrial sectors. The event will be held in an outside covered pavilion at Wild Wing Café. This event is hosted by the NCAI’s Western Carolina Branch Chapter.
Send RSVPs to Western Carolina Branch Chair, Laura Gourlay, MAI, [email protected].
NCAI continues to monitor the ongoing global health pandemic and reserves the right to make necessary changes to Chapter events event based on federal, state, and/or local restrictions & guidelines.

Q3 Chapter Business Meeting
September 23 | 2:00pm | Virtual

Join fellow members and guests later this month to congratulate newly designated members, hear committee updates about the Chapter’s summer activities and find out what lies ahead for the Fall/Winter!

Make sure to register prior to joining the meeting to receive the 2 AI credits. 

Register Here

2021 Real Estate Valuation Conference is next Thursday!

Register now for next week’s Real Estate Valuation Conference! Industry experts from CBRE, NewRez, Flagship Healthcare Properties, and Lee & Associates will discuss the appraisal industry’s current market trends and critical focus areas in real estate valuation. View the full list of speakers and their session descriptions here

The conference has been approved by the
NC Appraisal Board for 7 credit hours

Registration will close at 5pm ET on 9/1.

Register Now

REVC Pricing Increases Next Thursday (8/19) | Register Now

Register now for this year’s virtual REVC which features industry leaders who will highlight market trends and valuation issues in a variety of sectors including commercial, retail, residential, office, industrial, healthcare, finance, hospitality, and more! 

You won't want to miss hearing from speakers Arpit Shah, CBRE; Adam Johnston, Genworth Financial; Gerald Quattlebaum, Flagship Healthcare Properties; and Christina Coffey, Lee & Associates who will be discussing the hospitality, finance, healthcare, and retail sectors. View the full list of speakers and their session descriptions (including AM sessions) here.

NC Appraisal Board Approved for 7 Hours

Register Now

Registration is Open! 2021 Real Estate Valuation Conference is on Sept 2

Registration Now Open!
2021 Real Estate Valuation Conference is on Sept 2

NCAI's 2021 Real Estate Valuation Conference (REVC) will be held on September 2, 2021, held via Zoom. This year’s conference will spotlight the appraisal industry’s current critical focus areas in real estate valuation.

Register Now 


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Education Highlights & CompStak Webinar Recap

Members and nonmembers were busy in Q1 & Q2 taking a variety of residential and commercial courses before this cycle’s CE deadline which was the end of May. The Chapter held over 10 successful virtual education courses in addition to hosting a webinar lead by our annual sponsor, CompStak, who showcased their platform and gave an exclusive look at their brand-new analytics dashboard that highlights the latest CRE trends and deals in the market. Education for the Fall and Winter is coming soon. Watch the website and your email for announcements!

Chapter Business Meeting & Bylaws Vote is Thursday! Register Now

Kick-off summer with NCAI this Thursday, June 10th! Catch up with friends, make new connections, hear chapter updates about the year, and congratulate our newly designated members!

In addition, the Chapter will vote to dissolve the International Relations Committee (IRC).

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Chapter Business Meeting is Next Thursday! Register Today

Kick-off summer with NCAI next Thursday, June 10th! Catch up with friends, make new connections, hear chapter updates about the year, and congratulate our newly designated members!

In addition, the Chapter will vote to dissolve the International Relations Committee (IRC).

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Chapter Business Meeting is on June 10! Register Today

NCAI Q2 Chapter Business Meeting

Thursday, June 10 | 2pm | Zoom Meeting

Kick-off summer with NCAI on June 10! Catch up with friends, make new connections, hear chapter updates about the year, and congratulate our newly designated members!

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Q4 Chapter Business Meeting Recap

This past Thursday, members and guests virtually attended the 2020 Q4 Chapter Business Meeting and Installation Ceremony. We celebrated our newly designated members (Chesney S. Baker, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS; Brian T. Bryant, MAI, AI-GRS; Nirzarni A. Coston, MAI; and William S. Overton, MAI), heard committee updates on how we ended the year, Chris Johnson, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, ASA gave his final address as the 2020 President, and the 2021 officers were installed, including 2021 President, Mike Moody, MAI.


Recap: NCAI Connect - Update from AI Leadership

Last week, NCAI was joined by Appraisal Institute President Jefferson L. Sherman, MAI, AI-GRS, and Chief Executive Officer Jim Amorin, CAE, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS who spoke with members about the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on the Appraisal Institute, individual appraisers, and the valuation profession, how AI is facing these issues, and projected what the future of the industry looks like. Click here or on the image below to view the recording.

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Don't Miss the Q2 Chapter Business Meeting on Thursday!

Join us Thursday to elect the 2021 Slate of Nominees for Officers, Directors, Regional Representative, & Alternate Regional Representatives, hear updates about what the Chapter has been doing, and congratulate our newly designated members!

Please make sure to register prior to joining the meeting in order to receive the 2 AI credits.

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NEW DATE & FORMAT: Q1 Chapter Business Meeting now on March 25

Join us for our Q1 Chapter Business Meeting (CBM) via Zoom Meeting on Wednesday, March 25 at 2pm!

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Upcoming 7-Hour National USPAP Update Courses

NCAI is offering multiple National USPAP Update Courses throughout the year. Save the date for the upcoming USPAP courses below. Click on the course for more information.

*All courses are NCAB and NCREC Credit approved.

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2nd Quarter Chapter Business Meeting Recap

The 2nd Quarter Chapter Business Meeting was held in Asheville, NC this past week.  The guest speaker was NC House Representative Brian Turner who provided an informative overview of upcoming priorities for the NC General Assembly.  He also took questions from the audience on a variety of issues.  During the meeting the chapter celebrated two new designees Laura Gourley, AI-GRS and Bill Johnson, MAI and acknowledged the Q2 education scholarship recipients Erica Butler, Joel Phillips and Mary Coltrane.

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Registration Opens for 2019 Appraisal Institute Annual Conference in Denver

The Appraisal Institute on March 25 opened registration for its 2019 Annual Conference, which will be held July 22-24 at the Hyatt Regency Denver near the Colorado Convention Center.
Allison Massari, an entrepreneur, celebrated artist, accident survivor and executive coach, will be the keynote speaker. Massari will address her personal journey from absolute loss, to forgiveness to understanding, and finally to success and a life beyond anything she could have imagined. Her messages give audiences the tools they need to rise above any obstacle and show them how to find peace, purpose and happiness.
The 2019 AI Annual Conference will feature an exciting lineup of speakers, extensive opportunities for networking and continuing education (with the chance to earn Appraisal Institute and state continuing education credit), an awards ceremony, vendor exhibits and numerous opportunities to explore the Mile High City.
Learn more about the AI Annual Conference and register to attend.

Parking Education Seminar & LDAC Fundraiser on April 2

NCAI is pleased to offer Parking and Its Impact on Value of North Carolina Properties to it's members while also supporting the 2019 Leadership Development & Advisory Council (LDAC) Participants. This event is on April 2, 2019 at the Harris Campus Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, NC. Instructor Ted Anglyn is donating his time to instruct this course as an effort to raise funds for this cause.

ALL PROFITS from this course and any additional donations will go toward support for NCAI’s LDAC participants.

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NCAI Leadership Met with AI 2019 President Stephen Wagner

NCAI 2019 President Sheri Colvin and NCAI 2019 President Elect Chris Johnson met with AI 2019 President Stephen Wagner at the AI Chapter Leadership Program in Chicago, IL – October 2018. Learn more about the event here.


Appraisal Institute Honors 13 National Award Winners

Craig M. Harrington, SRA, AI-RRS, of Prior Lake, Minnesota; and Leslie P. Sellers, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, of Clinton, Tennessee, were honored Tuesday with the Appraisal Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award and Timothy P. Runde, MAI, of San Francisco, was named the recipient of the Outstanding Service Award during the Appraisal Institute Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

Two individuals also were announced as winners of the annual President’s Award from the Appraisal Institute, the nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers with nearly 18,000 professionals in almost 50 countries. Additionally, eight individuals were honored by the Appraisal Institute Education and Relief Foundation, the Appraisal Institute’s charitable organization that offers education scholarships and disaster assistance to appraisers.

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