North Carolina Appraisal Board’s (NCAB) Executive Director, Don Rodgers, and Deputy Director, Tom Lewis joined us on our NCAI Connect Webinar Series yesterday.
Don Rodgers gave an update on the changes to the leadership of the board, with Charles McGill stepping down as chairman and David Reitzel voted in as chairman. The board recently transitioned to the new appraiser standards and qualifications based on the AQB Standards, which are already having a positive impact on licensing. Highlighting the new online renewal system, Don commented that NCAB was pleased with the success of the new process and that most appraisers have utilized the process for renewal. NCAB is very supportive of the virtual learning platform (zoom, blue jeans, etc.) that has been utilized for USPAP courses and CE due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This hybrid classroom experience had not been contemplated by ASC or NCAB prior to the crisis, but with positive reactions from attendees, NCAB is supportive of considering its adoption. However, such adoption will first require approval from ASC, with a formal hearing and public commenting period, so it may be a while before it is adopted permanently. For now, it can be used until September 30, 2020.
Tom Lewis outlined the complaint process noting that most of the complaints that come to the board are driven by property owners and mostly triggered by disagreements over the value of the property. He noted that the most common errors are in the Highest and Best Use analysis, the exclusion of a valuation methodology without comment, poorly maintained work files, and noncompliance with Section 2 of USPAP. He stressed that a new board rule regarding complaints will allow the complaints to be considered an allegation, which will allow meritless complaints to be resolved in a process that does not include a formal investigation.